Monday, February 27, 2012

group notes

Genre: t-shirt & essay

Title: T-shirt time
Hananiah, Denis, Amy & Shannon

Rough draft of the research proposal:
1.       Statement of the Problem

-We are combining the genres of t-shirts and essays

-Essays are normally turned in on paper, not clothing. T-shirt messages generally aren’t 500 words.

-We are turning in an essay written on a T-shirt (?)

 2. The purpose of the Study

-We are doing this to test the reaction of the professor and our peers

-We are trying to figure out if these separate genres can mesh together to work as one genre

-We are changing the content, audience, location and format of both t-shirts and essays

-The purpose of this study is to observe the reactions when t-shirts and essays are meshed together into one genre
 3. The research questions

 -How does the combining of the genres of t-shirts and essays affect the opinion of your writing and how would the audience react to this radical change in genres.
 4. Research method/design

             -To test this combination, one group member will turn in an essay written on a plain white t-shirt. A group member will come to class with the folded essay and turn it in with all the essays written on paper and watch for the professor’s/peer’s reactions

5. Significance
-We are testing to see how a professor grades and how his/her opinions change about a piece of work when it's not traditional
-We are interested to see if genres can be combined, and if others will allow themselves to not follow traditional constraints

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